Londres es una de las ciudades más turísticas del mundo: una metrópoli fascinante y única con tantísimas cosas que visitar. En Londres se respira historia, estilo sofisticado en cada esquina, es una ciudad realmente mágica. La característica quizás, más destacable es que se trata de una ciudad con muchísima personalidad, capaz de enamorar a viajeros de todo el mundo con tan sólo un cruce de miradas. Al visitarla podrás conocer muchísimos edificios emblemáticos con historia y un nivel arquitectónico que te dejará extasiado. Además, en este Tour adéntrate en la legendaria historia de la música rock de Londres…
Ubicación: Londres
DÍA1 – Origen - Londres
Llegada a Londres, traslado privado desde el Aeropuerto hasta el hotel. Breve tiempo libre y saldremos para la cena de bienvenida en el mitico Hard Rock London.
Regreso al hotel y alojamiento.
DÍA 2 – Londres - História del Rock
Desayuno en el Hotel. Por la mañana planteamos una charla con un icono de la música Rock para adentrarnos en el mundo del Rock Londinense. Una de estas figuras podrá ser: Mick Avory, Top Topham, Steve Hackett o Mike Berry.
Continuaremos con el almuerzo en el Restaurante Browns Mayfair. Por la tarde, comenzaremos con el tour para recorrer los lugares de la ciudad más conectados con la música Rock de los 60 y 70, en un autobus Routermaster de la época, con sonido para poner música Rock de ambiente. Hoy visitaremos: Royal Albert Hall, The Troubadour, y la Casa donde murió Jimmy Hendrix.
Regreso al hotel y nos prepararemos para la cena en el Restaurante Roadhouse Covent Garden, con música rock.
Tras la cena, regreso al hotel y alojamiento.
DÍA 3 – Londres – Tour de Rock y Concierto
Desayuno en el hotel. En el día de hoy haremos un tour de dia completo, continuando el tour de Rock de Londres por las zonas de Chelsea, Richmond y Twickenham, muy ligadas a la historia de la musica rock en la ciudad.
Por la mañana visitaremos King’s Road Chelsea, Half Moon Putney, Olympic Studios, One Kew Road, donde ademas almorzaremos.
Por la tarde continuaremos visitando: Richmond Green y R. Hill, Downe House & The Wick, Richmond Bridge, Estudios Twickenham, Eel Pie Island Museum, Richmond Jazz & Blues Festival.
Cena en la sala de conciertos del Pub The Water Rats, famoso por los conciertos de Bob Dylan, y concierto en directo de una banda de Rock tributo a Led Zeppelin.
Regreso al hotel y alojamiento.
DÍA 4 – Londres - Origen
Desayuno en el hotel. Tiempo libre y traslado hasta el aeropuerto, para vuelo de regreso.
… Fin del viaje!
Traslados privados de llegada y salida.
Coche privado con chófer a disposición durante todo el viaje.
Guía-acompañante experto en música rock.
Desayuno diario en el hotel.
Entradas y experiencias exclusivas:
Almuerzos y cenas en restaurantes locales (pago directo).
Vuelos internacionales.
Gastos personales y servicios adicionales no especificados.
Miguel Angel Erik Medina Soria, better known as La Ruta Viajera, with address at AV BENITO JUAREZ 1001 INT 401 street, SAN FRANCISCO COAXUSCO neighborhood, METEPEC city, METEPEC municipality or delegation, c.p. 52158, in the entity of Mexico, country Mexico, and internet portal contacto@larutaviajera.com, is responsible for the use and protection of his personal data, and in this regard we inform you of the following:
For what purposes will we use your personal data?
We will use the personal data that we collect from you for the following purposes that are necessary for the service you request:
Additionally, we will use your personal information for the following secondary purposes that are not necessary for the requested service, but that allow and facilitate us to provide you with better service:
Provide intermediaries with information to provide the contracted services
To be able to collect the contracted services
Confirm the identity of the contracting party
Marketing or advertising
commercial prospecting
In case you do not want your personal data to be used for these secondary purposes, please indicate so below:
I do not consent to my personal data being used for the following purposes:
[ ] Provide intermediaries with information to provide the contracted services
[ ] Being able to collect the contracted services
[ ] Confirm the identity of the contracting party
[ ] Marketing or advertising
[ ] Commercial prospecting
The refusal to use your personal data for these purposes may not be a reason for us to deny you the services and products you request or contract with us.
What personal data will we use for these purposes?
To carry out the purposes described in this privacy notice, we will use the following personal data:
Personal phone
Cell phone
Identification data
Contact information
migration data
With whom do we share your personal information and for what purposes?
We inform you that your personal data is shared inside and outside the country with the following people, companies, organizations or authorities other than us, for the following purposes:
Recipient of personal data Purpose Requires consent
Tour Operator Companies To be able to provide the services contracted by the owner of the data. No
Travel Agents To be able to provide the services contracted by the owner of the data. No
Tourist Receptors To be able to provide the services contracted by the owner of the data. No
Any provider necessary to provide the contracted services To be able to provide the services contracted by the owner of the data. No
How can you access, rectify or cancel your personal data, or oppose its use?
You have the right to know what personal data we have about you, what we use them for and the conditions of use that we give them (Access). Likewise, it is your right to request the correction of your personal information in case it is outdated, inaccurate or incomplete (Rectification); that we remove it from our records or databases when you consider that it is not being used properly (Cancellation); as well as oppose the use of your personal data for specific purposes (Opposition). These rights are known as ARCO rights.
To exercise any of the ARCO rights, you must submit the respective request through the following means:
To know the procedure and requirements for the exercise of ARCO rights, we make the following means available to you:
The contact details of the person or department of personal data, which is in charge of processing ARCO rights requests, are the following:
a) Name of the person or department of personal data: Miguel Angel Erik Medina Soria
b) Address: AV BENITO JUAREZ street 1001 Int 401, SAN FRANCISCO COAXUSCO neighborhood, METEPEC city, METEPEC municipality or delegation, c.p. 52158, in the entity of Mexico, country Mexico
c) Email: miguel.medina@larutaviajera.com
d) Telephone number: 7224776240
You can revoke your consent for the use of your personal data
You can revoke the consent that, where appropriate, you have given us for the processing of your personal data. However, it is important that you take into account that not in all cases we will be able to attend to your request or terminate the use immediately, since it is possible that due to some legal obligation we need to continue processing your personal data. Likewise, you must consider that for certain purposes, the revocation of your consent will imply that we cannot continue to provide the service you requested, or the conclusion of your relationship with us.
To revoke your consent, you must submit your request through the following means:
To know the procedure and requirements for the revocation of consent, we make the following means available to you:
How can you limit the use or disclosure of your personal information?
In order for you to limit the use and disclosure of your personal information, we offer you the following means:
Likewise, you may register for the following registries, in case you do not wish to obtain publicity from us:
Public Registry to Avoid Advertising, for more information see the PROFECO website
The use of tracking technologies on our website
We inform you that on our website we use cookies, web beacons or other technologies, through which it is possible to monitor your behavior as an internet user, as well as provide you with a better service and experience when browsing our page. The personal data we collect through these technologies will be used for the following purposes:
identify tastes, preferences and be able to offer the best option to the user
The personal data we obtain from these tracking technologies are the following:
Session identifiers, usernames, and passwords
User preferred language
Region in which the user is located
User's browser type
User operating system type
Date and time of the start and end of a user session
Web pages visited by a user
Searches made by a user
Advertising reviewed by a user
Lists and consumption habits on shopping pages
Likewise, we inform you that your personal information will be shared with the following people, companies, organizations or authorities other than us, for the following purposes:
Recipient of personal data Purpose
Tour Operators Provide contracted services
BedBanks Provide contracted services
Hotels Provide contracted services
Carriers Provide contracted services
Airlines Provide contracted services
Tourist Service Providers Grant the contracted services
How can you find out about changes to this privacy notice?
This privacy notice may undergo modifications, changes or updates derived from new legal requirements; our own needs for the products or services we offer; of our privacy practices; Changes in our business model, or other causes.
We promise to keep you informed about the changes that this privacy notice may undergo, through: www.larutaviajera.com.
The procedure through which notifications about changes or updates to this privacy notice will be carried out is as follows:
Last update: 08/22/2023